Zbornik Matice Srpske za Prirodne Nauke
Determination of the species among mitis group of genus Streptococus using a molecular identification key
关键词: bacterial systematic;    genus Streptococcus;    molecular identification key;    the mitis group;   
DOI  :  10.2298/ZMSPN1222017K
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We analyzed the gene order conservation among the species of genusStreptococcus and based on this we developed a molecular identification key.The identification key was not made up based on the genes’ amino acid ornucleotide sequences but on the gene order of certain genome parts, and inthis order the genes were marked with their symbols. First, we created a keyto determine the groups within the genus Streptococcus using conservedsynteny blocks in genomes. According to this, within those species that havea fully known genome sequence, the mitis group can be divided into twosubgroups: mitis I where (S. pneumoniae, S mitis and S. oralis) and mitis II(S. gordonii, S. sanguinis and S. parasanguinis). Then we made anidentification key to determine the species within the mitis subgroups. Fordetermination of the species we chose genome parts which contain such a genethat is found in all species but the genome parts around this special geneare different in various species. Three genome parts were sufficient todetermine the species correctly. These sequences were around the followinggenes: Xaa-pro dipeptidyl-peptidase (x-prolyl-dipeptidyl aminopeptidase) -pepX, a leucyl-tRNA synthetase - leuS and a 50S ribosomal protein L13 and 30Sribosomal protein S9 - rplM and rpsI (these are always found beside oneanother).

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