Вестник Кемеровского государственного университета
L. I. Levkina1 
[1]Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
关键词: methodology for determining the socio-communicative significance of concepts, social capital, social potential, communicative community, fields of concepts, correlation of concepts, unified conceptual sociocommunicative space;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The methodological cross-disciplinary research presented here touches on linguistics, philosophy, and communicology, but its main focus lies in the sphere of sociology. The research is based on the idea of the anthropometrics of language. The transition from language-produced knowledge to the cognitive mechanisms means that the cognitive abilities of human beings and the models of knowledge learned by them are reflected in the language they use. Thus, according to this view, language structures become a source of knowledge about basic mental views. We have employed this idea to bring new knowledge to the sphere of social information – in order to apply an understanding of the semantic meaning of concepts and their use in scientific contexts, we identified the sociocommunicative significance of concepts using the author’s methodology. The considered concepts comprise: social possibility, stock, capital, potential, reserve, resource, labour, all of which have a common field based on the communicative character of their contents. In the communicative community researched, fields have an overall sequence. Primacy was found in relation to the concepts of opportunity and social potential. As a result of expert analysis, the concepts correlate as “present – future”, “part – whole”, “joint – individual”. This allows a single basic understanding of both the concepts presented, and the sequence (hierarchy) of their values, in order to describe the characteristics of social processes. The methodologies and research stages are as follows: comparison of categories and concepts; definition of the fields of the concepts; application of the method of expert estimates (correlation of concepts according to the characteristics of the communicative community members); application of the method of mathematical statistics; production of an analysis of the comprehensive characteristics of the concepts; application of the Spearman rank correlation coefficient; application of the methodology of sequencing and hierarchy of concepts in the communicative community; application of the methodology for determining and researching the sociocommunicative significance of concepts; and finally, the application of the methodology for the purpose of creating a unified meaningful socio-communicative space. The unification of the contents of the concepts provides a base for the establishment of open dialog and a unified socio-communicative space. This development is a precondition for social cohesion. The methodology developed and presented here allows convergence towards a unified conceptual socio-communicative space in specific communities and in the society in general.
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