Pragmática Sociocultural
Saludos y despedidas: tipología y contraste entre datos intuitivos y observacionales
Vázquez Carranza Ariel1 
[1] Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Guadalajara, Del Rey 117 OTE, Toluca, Guadalajara, Jalisco, 44100, Mexico;
关键词: saludos;    despedidas;    intuiciones;    observaciones;    español de méxico;    greetings;    farewells;    intuitions;    observations;    mexican;    spanish;   
DOI  :  10.1515/soprag-2020-0009
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a typology of greetings and farewells in Mexican Spanish. In particular, the typology is based on observational data of greetings and farewells produced by young speakers in the city of Metepec. The typology of greetings and farewells is categorized into three and four types, respectively (greetings: hola, use of vocative, and the interrogative construction ¿Qué…?; farewells: adiós, bye, imperative of the verb cuidar ‐‘take care’, and temporal farewells). Each category has its own characteristics and subcategories. In general, the contrast between observations and intuitions indicates that the observational data does not coincide with the intuitive data. However, there are similarities when looking at their contrast in detail.

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