Gema Teologika
Teologi Guanxi: Sebuah Upaya Memahami Aspek Teologi Relasional dalam Budaya Tionghoa
Linus Baito1 
[1] Sekolah Tinggi Theologia Aletheia Lawang;
关键词: guanxi;    reciprocal;    business;    theology;    relationship;    trust;   
DOI  :  https://doi.org/10.21460/gema.2019.42.434
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article aims at constructing a theology of business starting from the Chinese principle of relationship which is known as guanxi. Many have seen the role of guanxi in the process of China’s economic growth. Guanxi plays a philosophical role not only in economic life, but also in social as well as cultural ones. Using Robert Schreiter’s method of intercultural theology, this study finds that the philosophical concept of guanxi offers values compatible withaChristiantheologyofrelationship.Interactingthetworesourceswouldprovideastrong basis for constructing a theology of business.

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