Fuel Communications
A review on renewable energy potentials and energy usage statistics in Ghana
Michael Aboah1  Mohammed Takase2  Rogers Kipkoech3 
[1]Department of Environmental Science, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
[2]Corresponding author.
[3]Department of Environmental Science, School of Biological Sciences, University of Cape Coast, Cape Coast, Ghana
关键词: Renewable;    Ghana;    Sustainable;    Energy;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This paper is a review of renewable energy potentials and energy usage statistics in Ghana. Principally, it covers Ghana's energy consumption from 2000 to 2020. The findings show that Ghana uses both renewable (10%) and non-renewable (90%) forms of energy, but biomass (46.667%) and oil (40.52%) are the commonly used energy resource. This is followed by natural gas (10%), hydroelectric power (7%), and solar energy (0%). The energy consumption by sector from 2000 to 2020 totaled up to 130632ktoe. Residents featured 62,736ktoe (48%) as well as industries, service, agriculture, and transport with each recording 18254ktoe, 5033ktoe, 1957ktoe, and 42652ktoe respectively. The review revealed that the energy demand of the country (Ghana) has shot up and therefore, there is the need for more sustainable energy alternatives to be employed in the energy processes of the country to offset the impacts of future energy crises.
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