Climate and Cultural Heritage: The Case Study of “Real Sito di Carditello”
Salvatore Schiavone1  Carmela Vetromile2  Antonio Spagnuolo2  Antonio Masiello3  MariaFrancesca Alberghina4  Carmine Lubritto4 
[1] C. sas, 88-93015 Niscemi (CL), Via Stovigliai, Italy;Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, 81100 Caserta, Viale Abramo Lincoln 5, Italy;Energreenup srl, 84081 Baronissi SA, Via Francesco Napoli 8F, Italy;;S.T.Art- Test di S. Schiavone &
关键词: indoor/outdoor monitoring;    degradation process;    environmental pollution;    mural paintings;    non-invasive analyses;   
DOI  :  10.3390/heritage2030124
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A monitoring campaign performed on the Real Site of Carditello (found in the commune of San Tammaro, province of Caserta, Italy) was aimed to evaluate the parameters related to air quality and then to control and prevent the degradation risk. The analyses were carried out in the context of the project “Innovative methods and technologies for the conservation, valorisation and use of cultural heritage: environmental and archaeological analyses”, within the CULTURA CREA-MIBAC program, which aims to provide innovative methods for conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage through environmental and archaeometric analyses. Preliminarily, using field equipment, non-destructive investigations were carried out to identify constituent, restoration, and/or degradation materials belonging to the wall paintings on the main floor and to assess their conservation state under the current environmental conditions. Environmental monitoring was performed both outdoor (to assess the effects of atmospheric pollution and changes in the climate of the structure) and indoor the rooms of the site (to evaluate the conditions of conservation and fruition). The collected data are reported in a web platform, where one can check the real time monitoring data. The platform integrates both environmental data and information regarding the "health status" of site in order to provide a detailed analysis useful for its protection.

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