International Journal of Health Policy and Management
This Is My (Post) Truth, Tell Me Yours; Comment on “The Rise of Post-truth Populism in Pluralist Liberal Democracies: Challenges for Health Policy”
Martin Powell1 
[1]Health Services Management Centre, School of Social Policy, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK
关键词: Populism;    UK National Health Service (NHS);    Post-Truth Politics;    Health Policy;   
DOI  :  10.15171/IJHPM.2017.58
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This is a commentary on the article ‘The rise of post-truth populism in pluralist liberal democracies: challenges for health policy.’ It critically examines two of its key concepts: populism and ‘post truth.’ This commentary argues that there are different types of populism, with unclear links to impacts, and that in some ways, ‘post-truth’ has resonances with arguments advanced in the period at the beginning of the British National Health Service (NHS). In short, ‘post-truth’ populism’ may be ‘déjà vu all over again,’ and there are multiple (post) truths: this is my (post) truth, tell me yours.
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