MATEC Web of Conferences
Dynamic analysis of beams on fractional viscoelastic foundation subject to a variable speed moving load
Azrar L.1  Ouzizi A.2  Abdoun F.2 
[1] ;Centre STIS, M2CS, ENSET, Mohammed V University;
关键词: Moving loads;    Variable speed;    Viscoelastic foundation;    Vibration;    Fractional derivative.;   
DOI  :  10.1051/matecconf/201928601006
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The present paper investigates the dynamic response of beams resting on fractional viscoelastic foundation subjected to a moving load with variable speeds. The Galerkin with finite difference methods are used to deal with the governing equation of motion. The effect of various parameters, like fractional order derivative, foundation stiffness and damping, speed of moving load on the response of the beam are investigated and discussed.

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