Future Human Image
Polysubjectivity and Contextuality of the Ethical in Contemporary Digital Culture
Olena Yatsenko1 
[1] National Pedagogical Dragomanov University (Kyiv, Ukraine);
关键词: high tech;    robotics;    ai systems;    humanity;    digital culture;    values;    polysubjectivity;    solidarity;   
DOI  :  10.29202/fhi/15/13
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Creating futurological projects and their corresponding analytics causes a wide resonance in public discourse around the world. A globalized society firmly links the content of possible future projects to develop and implement high-order technologies. The argument is substantiated that the creation of various scenarios of humanity’s fate is carried out within a particular ideological doctrine framework. The comprehension of potential transformations’ causal connections is carried out according to the principles and categories that are already known to world philosophy. At the same time, social reality, significantly modified under the influence of high technologies, produces original ethical and legal ontradictions, for the resolution of which either a significant categorical analysis of the connection between humanity and technology or the creation of a fundamentally new paradigm for the analysis of these relationships is required.

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