Optimal Design of ORC Systems with a Low-Temperature Heat Source
关键词: waste heat;    renewable energy;    subcritical cycle;    trans-critical cycle;    R134a;    R141b;   
DOI  :  10.3390/e14020370
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
A numerical model of subcritical and trans-critical power cycles using a fixed-flowrate low-temperature heat source has been validated and used to calculate the combinations of the maximum cycle pressure (Pev) and the difference between the source temperature and the maximum working fluid temperature (DT) which maximize the thermal efficiency (ηth) or minimize the non-dimensional exergy losses (β), the total thermal conductance of the heat exchangers (UAt) and the turbine size (SP). Optimum combinations of Pev and DT were calculated for each one of these four objective functions for two working fluids (R134a, R141b), three source temperatures and three values of the non-dimensional power output. The ratio of UAt over the net power output (which is a first approximation of the initial cost per kW) shows that R141b is the better working fluid for the conditions under study.
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