Earth and Space Science
Radial Transport Versus Local Acceleration: The Long‐Standing Debate
Allison N. Jaynes1  Hong Zhao2  Louis Ozeke3  Mary K. Hudson4  Hayley J. Allison5  Michael Hartinger6  Alexander Y. Drozdov7  Solène Lejosne8  Lauren W. Blum9 
[1] Department of Physics & Astronomy University of Iowa Iowa City IA USA;Department of Physics Auburn University Auburn AL USA;Department of Physics University of Alberta Edmonton AB Canada;Department of Physics and Astronomy Dartmouth College Hanover NH USA;GFZ German Centre for Geosciences Potsdam Germany;Space Science Institute Boulder CO USA;University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles CA USA;University of California, Space Sciences Laboratory Berkeley CA USA;University of Colorado at Boulder, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics Boulder CO USA;
关键词: radiation belts;    particle acceleration;    GEM meeting;   
DOI  :  10.1029/2022EA002216
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract On 28 July 2021, within the Geospace Environment Modeling Virtual Summer Workshop, a joint panel discussion organized by the “System Understanding of Radiation Belt Particle Dynamics through Multi‐spacecraft and Ground‐based Observations and Modeling” and “ULF wave Modeling, Effects, and Applications” focus groups was held. The panelists, organizers, and the audience discussed the nature and unresolved questions of radiation belt electron flux enhancements. In this commentary we provide the outcomes of this discussion.

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