RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics
Homonymy and repetition (Towards systematics of systemic categories in language and speech)
G V Vekshin1 
[1] Московский государственный университет печати;
关键词: омонимия;    архонимия;    дериватонимия;    контрастонимия;    варионимия;    гетеоронимия;    омосемия;    архисемия;    дериватосемия;    контрастосемия;    вариосемия;    гетеросемия;    ступени абстракции;    параллелизм;    повтор;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Proceeding from the idea that there are no potentially insignificant similarities and distinctions, systemic relations in language could be presented as those generated by correlation of separate types of heteromorphism and homomorphism in the planes of content and expression according to five steps of abstraction of the language and speech phenomena. Thus, the matrix of system relations in language, including lexico-semantic categories, could be essentially detailed.

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