On reversibility and architectural temporarity in marginal contexts
Letizia Cattani1  Domenico Chizzoniti1  Monica Moscatelli1 
[1] Polytechnic of Milano;
关键词: developing countries;    precariousness;    impermanence;    prototype;    experimentation;   
DOI  :  10.19229/2464-9309/4112018
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The essay puts forward experimental research carried out in emergency contexts and in developing countries with the study of temporary architecture of a health, cultural and social nature as a field of investigation. The proposed guidelines are built around emergencies, natural disasters, and the widespread need, in specific unpredictable situations of temporary and permanent shelter, or rather critical issues that may concern, at the same time, different social categories. This paper tries to identify some principles that have inspired proposals for measures in several contexts, from Sub-Saharan Africa, to the Middle East and to the South-East Asia where the temporariness and emergency issue is declined in a different way in reference to the typical characteristics of the reference context.

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