Applied Rheology
Mechanical properties of sandstone under hydro-mechanical coupling
Zhao Yanlin1  Zhao Xun1  Chang Le1  Tan Tao1  Ren Sheng1 
[1] Wok Safety Key Lab on Prevention and Control of Gas and Roof Disaster for Southern Coal Mines, Hunan University of Science and Technology, Xiangtan, Hunan 411201, China;
关键词: sandstone;    pore water pressure;    strength;   
DOI  :  10.1515/arh-2022-0120
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Study of mechanical properties of rock under hydro-mechanical coupling. The MTS815 rock mechanics system is used to perform triaxial compression tests of water-saturated sandstones under different confining pressures and pore water pressures. The results show that the peak deviation stress and its corresponding axial strain, residual deviation stress, initial deviation stress of dilation and deformation modulus of water-saturated sandstone are related to pore water pressure and confining pressure. They decrease with the increase of pore water pressure and increase with the increase of confining pressure. Poisson’s ratio and angle of rupture of water-saturated sandstone increase with pore water pressure. Based on the effective stress principle and Mohr–Coulomb criterion, the effective cohesion and effective residual cohesion of sandstone are 11.49 and 3.13 MPa, respectively, and the effective angle of internal friction and effective residual angle of internal friction are 38.32° and 25.32°, respectively. In addition, according to the variation relationship of sandstone strength, the relative strength criterion of sandstone under hydro-mechanical coupling is established.

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