International Journal on Food System Dynamics
Innovation in Multiple Networks and Networks of Networks: The Case of the Fruit Sector in Emilia‐Romagna
David Cuming1  Davide Viaggi1 
[1]University of Bologna
关键词: Agro‐Food Sector Networks;    Agricultural cooperatives;    Innovation;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
In the paper we examine the issue of food systems in which farms participate in multiple networks that, for their part, tend also to be members of networks of networks. The issue is addressed through a descriptive analysis of the fruit sector in Emilia‐Romagna (Italy). The farms in the area tend to join a different network for each product/product type. Innovation networks are embedded in commercialization or input provider networks, but separate (parallel) networks also exist, particularly for basic research activities. Networks of networks are largely a product of the cooperative system. The paper concludes by emphasising the need for further research in multiple networking strategies and the connection between
commercialisation networks and innovation.
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