Glasnik Srpskog Geografskog Društva
Criteria, constraints and potentials of Balkan's integrative development
关键词: economic reforms criteria;    Balkan’s integration;    border regimes;    culture potentials;    regional association;    cross-border cooperation;   
DOI  :  10.2298/GSGD0402099S
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the consideration of integrative potentials in the Balkans, some crucial macroeconomic indicators are given, demonstrating the position of the macro-region of Southeast Europe in the international comparison, but also the comparison of seven countries within the region itself. Of particular interest is the perspective of the future association with the EU, and therefore, the criteria for the evaluation of the reforms were pointed out supporting the stabilization and association process. Given the poor macro-economic situation, we searched for other development aspects potentials and constraints which may influence the integration of the Balkans. Therefore, the multiple potentials of culture, cross-border cooperation and broader regional association were shortly analyzed. As a pivotal constraint, the border regime and the function of border regions were emphasized. We tried to seek for best approaches to macro-regional promotion, by looking at some good practices throughout Europe, and the Baltic Sea region in particular. The conclusions we draw point to the necessity of the trans-regional cooperation and integration institutionalization, the improvement and faster development of essential spatial structures and "softening" of borders with the aim to deconstruct not only physical but also mental barriers.

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