Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft
Implicational Complement Coordination and beyond: Towards a coherent theory of asymmetric coordination in German
Weisser Philipp1 
[1] Institut für Linguistik, Universität Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany;
关键词: asymmetric coordination;    coordination;    infinitives;    binding;    movement;   
DOI  :  10.1515/zfs-2019-0003
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A certain class of predicates in German optionally allows for their complement clause to appear as coordinated with the matrix clause rather than embedded into it. This construction, which I will call Implicational Complement Coordination, exhibits all the hallmark properties of Asymmetric Coordination: Despite technically being in a conjunct position, the clause in question behaves like a subordinate clause with respect to asymmetric binding, asymmetric scope of negation and adverbs as well as asymmetric extraction. Based on the detailed description of the phenomenon by Reis (1993), it can be shown that this coordinate construction mimics its infinitival counterpart with respect to these syntactic tests. In this paper, I argue that this can be accounted for by saying that the coordinate construction is derived on the basis of its subordinate counterpart by means of movement. The subordinate properties of the second conjunct then derive from its derivational history as a subordinate clause. Further, I will show that even though other cases of Asymmetric Coordination (in German) lack a minimally different infinitival counterpart, they can and should still be derived from an underlyingly subordinate syntax.

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