Revista de Investigações Constitucionais
Marriage equality in the United States: a look at Obergefell and beyond
Toni Jaeger-Fine1 
[1] Fordham Law School;
关键词: obergefell;    marriage equality;    same-sex marriage;    equality;    united states;   
DOI  :  10.5380/rinc.v3i1.45108
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article aims to analyze the marriage equality in the United States, with a special focus at Obergefell v. Hodges case, in which the US Supreme Court held, in June 2015, in a 5-4 decision that is unconstitutional to forbid same-sex marriage. Furthermore, it analyzes the Supreme Court jurisprudence about some issues related to this discussion and the democratic movement in the states in favor of same-sex marriage in the years leading up to Obergefell. Lastly, it makes some modest observations about the case and the larger issue of gay marriage in the United States.

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