La gradabilité nominale en anglais et en français
关键词: semantics of nouns;    lexical gradability;    stative and dynamic intensive nouns;    evaluative nouns;   
DOI  :  10.4000/anglophonia.1681
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The aim of this paper is to describe the gradability of nouns in French and in English. After a description of different conceptions of nominal gradability in the literature, we provide our definition of lexical gradability. Three classes of nouns can be gradable : stative intensive nouns (cleverness / intelligence), evaluative nouns (idiot / idiot), and dynamic intensive nouns (modernization / modernisation). The comparison between French and English shows that, even though a few discrepancies can be highlighted, nominal gradability is mostly similar in both languages.

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