Evolutionary Applications
Landscape genomics to the rescue of a tropical bee threatened by habitat loss and climate change
Marina S. deCastro1  Michael Hrncir2  Maria C. Arias3  Sónia C. S. Andrade3  Tiago M. Francoy4  Vanessa Bonatti4  Celso F. Martins5  Breno M. Freitas6  Nathaniel S. Pope7  Bruno A. Souza8  Antonio M. Saraiva9  Guilherme Oliveira1,10  Ronnie Alves1,10  Rodolfo Jaffé1,10  Éder C. M. Lanes1,10  Tereza C. Giannini1,10  Carolina S. Carvalho1,10  Vera L. Imperatriz‐Fonseca1,10  Jamille C. Veiga1,11  Felipe A. L. Contrera1,11  Airton T. Carvalho1,12 
[1] Centro de Agroecologia Rio Seco Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana Amélia Rodrigues Brazil;Departamento de Biociências Universidade Federal Rural do Semi‐Árido Mossoró Brazil;Departamento de Genética e Biologia Evolutiva Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo Brazil;Departamento de Genética, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto Universidade de São Paulo Ribeirão Preto Brazil;Departamento de Sistemática e Ecologia Universidade Federal da Paraíba João Pessoa Brazil;Departamento de Zootecnia Universidade Federal do Ceará Fortaleza Brazil;Department of Integrative Biology University of Texas Austin Texas;Embrapa Meio‐Norte Teresina Brazil;Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo Universidade de São Paulo São Paulo Brazil;Instituto Tecnológico Vale Belém Brazil;Instituto de Ciências Biológicas Universidade Federal do Pará Belém Brazil;Unidade Acadêmica de Serra Talhada Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco Serra Talhada Brazil;
关键词: deforestation;    environmental associations;    gene flow;    isolation by resistance;    local adaptation;    pollination;   
DOI  :  10.1111/eva.12794
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Abstract Habitat degradation and climate change are currently threatening wild pollinators, compromising their ability to provide pollination services to wild and cultivated plants. Landscape genomics offers powerful tools to assess the influence of landscape modifications on genetic diversity and functional connectivity, and to identify adaptations to local environmental conditions that could facilitate future bee survival. Here, we assessed range‐wide patterns of genetic structure, genetic diversity, gene flow, and local adaptation in the stingless bee Melipona subnitida, a tropical pollinator of key biological and economic importance inhabiting one of the driest and hottest regions of South America. Our results reveal four genetic clusters across the species’ full distribution range. All populations were found to be under a mutation–drift equilibrium, and genetic diversity was not influenced by the amount of reminiscent natural habitats. However, genetic relatedness was spatially autocorrelated and isolation by landscape resistance explained range‐wide relatedness patterns better than isolation by geographic distance, contradicting earlier findings for stingless bees. Specifically, gene flow was enhanced by increased thermal stability, higher forest cover, lower elevations, and less corrugated terrains. Finally, we detected genomic signatures of adaptation to temperature, precipitation, and forest cover, spatially distributed in latitudinal and altitudinal patterns. Taken together, our findings shed important light on the life history of M. subnitida and highlight the role of regions with large thermal fluctuations, deforested areas, and mountain ranges as dispersal barriers. Conservation actions such as restricting long‐distance colony transportation, preserving local adaptations, and improving the connectivity between highlands and lowlands are likely to assure future pollination services.

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