L’oubli de ce dont c’est le cas
关键词: hospitality;    belonging;    Derrida;    undocumented people;    stranger;    community;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Dealing with Derrida’s ethic of hospitality, this paper proceeds in three steps. First, I look back at the criticism Magali Bessone addresses to the “paradigm of hospitality”, targeting Derrida in particular for his assertion, in the middle of the 1990s, of a principle of unconditional hospitality in support of (undocumented) migrants’ struggles. I subsequently argue that Bessone’s criticism does not take into account the case in point for Derrida; “case” referring itself here to both the contextual circumstances and a specific judicial case. If Derrida appeared to put the emphasis on “private” hospitality, it was largely because of a peculiar legal case, “L’affaire Jacqueline Deltombe”. Derrida was instrumental in bringing this case to the public’s attention and in shaping its public perception and understanding. Finally, tracing back the Heideggerian and Levinasian backdrops of his work, I further argue that his philosophy of hospitality overlooks some fundamental dimensions of hospitality, neglecting the pole of reception and hypertrophying the pole of donation.

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