Revista del Instituto Electoral del Estado de México. Apuntes Electorales
Aceptación de resultados en los procesos de selección de dirigencia nacional. El caso del Partido de la Revolución Democrática (PRD), 1999-2008
Alberto Espejel Espinoza1 
[1] Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México;
关键词: selección de dirigentes;    PRD;    fracciones;    elecciones in-ternas;    líder carismático.AbstractIt is commonly accepted image rijosa the Democratic Revolution Party in its internal election process;    but has not explained why having rigged elections;    undemocratic or very conflicting losers accept the result. There are a number of ad hoc hypotheses that emphasize the weight of charis-matic leadership or the existence of programmatic ideological conflict as the cause of the acceptance or rejection of results;    respectively. The study found that;    contrary to the assumptions set out above;    even in the presen-ce of a charismatic leader can not predict acceptance of results;    as in the caseoftwooppositepoles;    radicalagainstmoderate.Themainfindingof the work suggests that the answer has to do with the attractiveness of internal incentives;    power sharing;    as opposed to external ones.Keywords:selectionofleadersoftheDemocraticRevolutionParty;    fractions;    elecciones internas;    líder carismático;    selection of leaders of the Democratic Revolution Party;    internal elections;    charismatic leadership;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

EscomúnmenteaceptadalaimagenrijosadelPRD en sus procesos de elección interna; sin embargo,nosehaexplicadoporquésitieneeleccionesfraudulentas,pocodemocráticasomuyconflictivas,losperdedoresaceptanelresultado.Existen una serie de hipótesis ad hoc que enfatizan el peso del líder carismático o la existencia de un conflictoprogramáticoideológicocomolacausadelaaceptaciónonodelosresultados,respectivamente. En el estudio se encontró que, contrario a las hipótesis arriba enunciadas, aun en presencia de un líder carismático no se puede predecir que se aceptarán los resultados, lo mismo en el caso de dos polos opuestos, radicales contra moderados. El hallazgo principal que se obtuvo del trabajo apunta a que la respuesta tiene queverconelatractivodelosincentivosinternos,repartodepoder,encontraposición a los externos. / The quarrelsome image of the Democratic Revolution Party in its internal election process is commonly accepted , but has not been explained why even after having rigged, undemocratic or very conflictingelections, losers accept the result. There are a number of ad hoc hypotheses that emphasize the weight of charismatic leadership or the existence of programmatic ideological conflict as the cause of the acceptance or rejection of results, respectively. The study found that, contrary to the assumptions set out above, even in the presence of a charismatic leader, the acceptance of results can not be predicted,as in the caseoftwooppositepoles,radicalagainstmoderate.Themainfindingof the work suggests that the answer has to do with the attractiveness of internal incentives, power sharing, as opposed to external ones.

【 授权许可】


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