International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Quality of Life, Physical and Mental Health of Family Caregivers of Dependent People with Complex Chronic Disease: Protocol of a Cohort Study
Marta Morales-Puerto1  Eva Timonet-Andreu1  Silvia García-Mayor2  Inmaculada López-Leiva2  JoséMiguel Morales-Asencio2  Celia Martí-García2  Raquel Marfil-Gómez2  Álvaro León-Campos2  JuanCarlos Morilla-Herrera2  Magdalena Cuevas-Fernández Gallego2 
[1]Agencia Sanitaria Costa del Sol. Marbella, 29651 Málaga, Spain
[2]Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Málaga, 29017 Málaga, Spain
关键词: nurses;    nursing;    caregivers;    quality of life;    mental health;    complex chronic disease;   
DOI  :  10.3390/ijerph17207489
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Background: informal caregivers have a high risk of suffering from diseases derived from the chronic stress to which they are subjected for their dedication to the care of their relatives. Such stress has a direct influence on the person cared for, mainly affecting the quality of their care. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to assess the association of caregiving on physical and mental perceived health in family caregivers of dependent adults with complex chronic diseases. Methods: a prospective longitudinal cohort study, with a follow-up period of 36 months (HUELLA cohort). The exposed cohort will be formed by family caregivers of dependent patients with complex chronic pathologies. The unexposed cohort will be taken from the general population adjusted for age, sex and health. Outcome variables will include attendance to health services, consumption of psychoactive drugs, dedication to care (only in exposed cohort), concession of the Act on Promotion of Personal Autonomy and Care for dependent persons (exposed only), perceived physical and mental health, depression level, burden level and new diagnosis of chronic pathology of the caregiver during the study. Results: the expected results will be applicable and will incorporate improvements to the usual health system clinical practice, providing feedback to professionals dedicated to the provision, planning and design of services to family caregivers, as well as to groups and organizations of caregivers. Conclusions: investments in preventing low-quality informal care are key, mainly through early identification and interventions to support caregivers who suffer from stress, anxiety or depression.
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