The Hydrodynamic Behavior of Vortex Shedding behind Circular Cylinder in the Presence of Group Focused Waves
Iskander Abroug1  Emma Imen Turki1  Elena Ojeda1  Nizar Abcha1  Fahd Mejri1 
[1] Normandie Université, UNICAEN, UNIROUEN, CNRS, UMR 6143 M2C, 14000 Caen, France;
关键词: vortex shedding;    subharmonic synchronization;    circular cylinder;    group focused waves;    JONSWAP;    Pierson–Moskowitz;   
DOI  :  10.3390/fluids7010004
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Vortex shedding behind an elastically mounted circular cylinder in the presence of group focused waves propagating upstream was investigated using a classical approach (time series and FFT) and nonclassical approach (complex 2D Morlet wavelets). Wavelet analysis emerged as a novel solution in this regard. Our results include wave trains with different nonlinearities propagating in different water depths and derived from three types of spectra (Pierson–Moskowitz, JONSWAP (γ = 3.3 or γ = 7)). It was found that the generated wave trains could modify regimes of shedding behind the cylinder, and subharmonic frequency lock-in could arise in particular situations. The occurrence of a lock-in regime in the case of wave trains propagating in intermediate water locations was shown experimentally even for small nonlinearities. Moreover, the application of time-localized wavelet analysis was found to be a powerful approach. In fact, the frequency lock-in regime and its duration could be readily identified from the wavelet-based energy and its corresponding ridges.

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