Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine, and Biotechnology
Puerarin attenuates hypoxia-resulted damages in neural stem cells by up-regulating microRNA-214
Wenna Ma1  Baoying Wang2  Huiyu Yang2 
[1] Department of Children's Healthcare, Linyi Women and Children's Hospital, Linyi, China;Department of Neonatology, Linyi Women and Children’s Hospital, Linyi, Shandong, China;
关键词: Puerarin;    microRNA-214;    PI3K/AKT;    MEK/ERK;   
DOI  :  10.1080/21691401.2019.1628040
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Puerarin has been reported to be useful in protection against hypoxia-induced injury. In our current study, we attempted to explore the protective effects of puerarin against hypoxia-caused damages in neural stem cells (NSCs). Additionally, the relative molecular underpinning studies preliminarily proceeded. NSCs were pre-incubated with puerarin before the hypoxic stimulus. MicroRNA-214 (miR-214) inhibitor was transfected into NSCs. Subsequently, the viability of NSCs was assessed by CCK-8 assay. Flow cytometry was employed to detect apoptotic cells after staining. qRT-PCR was performed to quantify miR-214. Western blot was applied for analyzing the expression of apoptosis-relative proteins and regulators. We found that puerarin alleviated hypoxia-induced apoptosis and maintained cell viability. Hypoxia-evoked up-regulation of miR-214 was further enhanced by puerarin. By contrast, miR-214-deficient NSCs showed the reduction in cell viability and the facilitation in apoptosis progress after pre-treatment with puerarin and stimulation in a hypoxia circumstance. Additionally, puerarin restored the phosphorylation of relative regulators, which was originally blunted by hypoxia. However, puerarin did not evidently restore the phosphorylation for response to hypoxia in miR-214-silenced NSCs. In conclusion, puerarin might be applied as a novel agent to ameliorate hypoxia-evoked damages in NSCs. Molecularly, miR-214 might be implicated in the protective roles of puerarin.

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