The smile is stronger than the handshake
Vijay Rajput1  Lauren Fine1 
[1]Nova Southeastern University, Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
关键词: Handshake;    Handwashing;    Nonverbal communication;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Healthcare providers struggle with the timing of handwashing and the handshake during the visit with patients, we question whether the handshake is even a necessary component of the modern introduction.The Physician-Patient relationship is strongest when built on trust, and typically begins with a traditional handshake.The importance of hand hygiene has become an integral part of the patient encounter. Taking a break for hand-hygiene interrupts the natural flow of the initial introduction and non-verbal body language to our patients. In current time constrained visits, we focus on handwashing instead of on continuous eye-contact with our patient.It is arguable that the elimination of the handshake may allow one to focus on more culturally acceptable universal verbal and non-verbal communication skills that help us to build essential trust with our patients.
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