International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET)
Application of Brain Neural Network in Personalized English Education System
Min Zhang1  Songlin Yang1 
[1]Foreign Languages College, Beihua University
关键词: personalized education;    brain neural network;    English education;    forgetting curve;   
DOI  :  10.3991/ijet.v13i10.9488
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
The Personalized Education System (PES) provides appropriate counseling pro-gram as per the different demands and the natures of learners. Its education quali-ty depends on the individuality to a great extent. The Brain Neural Network (BNN) can automatically analyze the learners’ profiles from their feedback data. In light of the above, this paper analyzes the forgetting curve of the learners in the system by building the brain neural network. Take the word memory in English learning as a study case. This curve will help customize the learning content for those learners precisely to hit their strides with a new high-rise personalized edu-cation. Experiment bears out that the forgetting curve generated by the BNN more adapts to the learner's memory law than the traditional universal Ebbinghaus memory curve. The new memory curve makes it possible to improve the effect of PES more effectively and the teaching principle more scientifically.
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