Thermal Science | |
Active control of flow and heat transfer in boundary layer on the porous body of arbitrary shape | |
关键词: MHD; boundary layer; heat transfer; generalized similarity; | |
DOI : 10.2298/TSCI120427170N | |
来源: DOAJ |
【 摘 要 】
The paper discusses the possibility of active control of flow and heattransfer using a magnetic field and suction in a generalized form. Theunsteady temperature two-dimensional laminar magnetohydrodynamic boundarylayer of incompressible fluid on a porous body of arbitrary shape isanalyzed. Outer electric filed is neglected, magnetic Reynolds number issignificantly lower than one i. e. the considered problem is in inductionlessapproximation. Characteristic properties of fluid are constant and it isassumed that a uniform suction or injection of a fluid, same as the fluid inprimary flow, can take place through the body surface. The boundary-layerequations are generalized such that the equations and the boundary conditionsare independent of the particular conditions of the problem, and this form isconsidered as universal. Obtained universal equations are numerically solvedusing the “progonka” method. Numerical results for the dimensionlessvelocity, temperature, shear stress and heat transfer as functions ofintroduced sets of parameters are obtained, displayed graphically and used tocarry out general conclusions about the development of temperaturemagnetohydrodynamic boundary layer. [Projekat Ministartsva nauke RepublikeSrbije, br. TR 35016]
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