Frontiers in Neuroscience
Deep learning for neuroimaging: a validation study
Jessica A Turner1  Sergey M Plis2  Elena A Allen3  Jeffrey D Long4  Henry Jeremy Bockholt4  Hans J Johnson4  Jane ePaulsen4  Devon eHjelm5  Vince D Calhoun5  Ruslan eSalakhutdinov6 
[1]Georgia State University
[2]The Mind Research Network
[3]The University of Bergen
[4]The University of Iowa
[5]The University of New Mexico
[6]The University of Toronto
关键词: Classification;    Huntington Disease;    fMRI;    MRI;    unsupervised learning;    representation learning;   
DOI  :  10.3389/fnins.2014.00229
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Deep learning methods have recently made notable advances in the tasks of classification and representation learning. These tasks are important for brain imaging and neuroscience discovery, making the methods attractive for porting to a neuroimager's toolbox.Success of these methods is, in part, explained by the flexibility of deep learning models. However, this flexibility makes the process of porting to new areas a difficult parameter optimization problem.In this work we demonstrate our results (and feasible parameter ranges) in application of deep learning methods to structural and functional brain imaging data.These methods include deep belief networks and their building block the restricted Boltzmann machine. We also describe a novel constraint-based approach to visualizing high dimensional data. We use it to analyze the effect of parameter choices on data transformations.Our results show that deep learning methods are able to learn physiologically important representations and detect latent relations in neuroimaging data.
【 授权许可】


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