Yönetim ve Ekonomi
Çalışanların Müzakere Etiği Algılamaları ve Müzakere Sürecindeki Davranışlarına Etkileri(Employee’s Perceptions of Negotiation Ethics and The Effects on Their Behaviors During Negotiation)
关键词: Müzakere;    Etik;    Müzakere Süreci;    Negotiation;    Ethics;    Negotiation Process;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
One of the factors affecting negotiation is ethics. In this study, first, employees’ level of perception of ethics in negotiation and secondly, the effect of their level of perception on their initial offer at the beginning of negotiation process, their behaviors during this process and their inclination to agree at the end of the process are examined. 336 employees working in public and private sectors in Ankara constitute the sample of the study. Hierarchical regression analysis has been applied in order to examine the effect of employees’ perception of negotiation ethics on their behavior in the negotiation process. According to the findings, the participants found the behaviors weakening the opponents more acceptable whereas behaviors giving opponents false information are less acceptable. In addition, participants less inclined for unethical behaviors behaved more rationally and tend to be more loyal to the conditions of negotiation. The participants with high tendency to behave unethically tend to display more emotional behaviors and avoid confronting problems directly.
【 授权许可】


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