Ecology and Society
Managing urban flood resilience as a multilevel governance challenge: an analysis of required multilevel coordination mechanisms
Piotr Matczak1  Hannelore Mees2  Silvia Bruzzone3  Sally J. Priest4  Kristina Ek5  Corinne Larrue6  Carel Dieperink7 
[1] Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Sociology, Poland;Antwerp University, Research Group Environment and Society, Belgium;Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées (ENPC), France;Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University, UK;Luleå University of Technology, Division of Social Sciences, Sweden;University of Paris Est, Paris School of Planning, France;Utrecht University, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Environmental Governance, The Netherlands;
关键词: Belgium;    coordination;    England;    flood risk management;    France;    multilevel governance;    Poland;    resilience;    Sweden;    The Netherlands;    UK;    urban flooding;   
DOI  :  10.5751/ES-09962-230131
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In both academic literature and flood risk management practices, it is argued that governance initiatives are needed to enhance the flood resilience of urban agglomerations. Multiple levels of governance will be involved in this activity. However, thus far, the literature has hardly addressed what mechanisms are required to coordinate the different levels of managing urban flood resilience, and what factors account for these mechanisms. Our aim is to address this knowledge gap. Here, we examine six in-depth case studies undertaken in urban agglomerations in different European countries: Dordrecht, the Netherlands; Hull, UK; Geraardsbergen, Belgium; Karlstad, Sweden; Wrocław, Poland; and Nice, France. The case studies reveal the ways in which multiple levels of governance are involved in managing urban flood resilience. Coordination among governance levels is achieved by proactive policy entrepreneurs, the use of bridging concepts, clear rules, and the provision of resources. These mechanisms seem to be universally applicable, but their characteristics appear to be highly dependent on more general institutional, economic, geographical, and cultural contextual factors.

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