Ra Ximhai
Indigenous education school: Popular education as a strategy for maintenance of indigenous culture in school Marshal Rondon Fulni-ô-ô Fulni the people - the waters fine Pernambuco - Brazil
关键词: Indigenous School Education;    Popular Education;    Indigenous Fulni-ô Marshal Rondon School;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This article analyzes the Indigenous Education Indigenous School Fulni-ô Marshal Rondon and his actions directed by the teaching pedagogy of popular education as a strategy to maintain the culture of the people Fulni-ô in the city of Águas Belas - Pernambuco - Brazil starting from this analysis and according to the proposed methodology qualitative aspect, we present the identification the struggle for its maintenance and strengthening of their culture, through school education.

【 授权许可】


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