Modeling Neuronal Systems as an Open Quantum System
Wei-Min Zhang1  Yu-Juan Sun1 
[1]Department of Physics and Center for Quantum Information Science, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan
关键词: neuronal system;    open quantum systems;    nonequilibrium dynamics;    Hopfield model;    action potential;   
DOI  :  10.3390/sym13091603
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
We propose a physical model for neurons to describe how neurons interact with one another through the surrounding materials of neuronal cell bodies. We model the neuronal cell surroundings, include the dendrites, the axons and the synapses, as well as the surrounding glial cells, as a continuous distribution of oscillating modes inspired from the electric circuital picture of neuronal action potential. By analyzing the dynamics of this neuronal model by using the master equation approach of open quantum systems, we investigated the collective behavior of neurons. After applying stimulations to the neuronal system, the neuron collective state is activated and shows the action potential behavior. We find that this model can generate random neuron–neuron interactions and is appropriate for describing the process of information transmission in the neuronal system, which may pave a potential route toward understanding the dynamics of nervous system.
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