Journal of Electrical Systems and Information Technology
Fault diagnostics in an inverter feeding an induction motor using fuzzy logic
Mohamed I. Abu El-Sebah1  Faeka Khater1  Mohamed Osama2 
[1] Electronics Research Institute, Dokki, Cairo, Egypt;High Institute of Engineering, Six October City, Egypt;
关键词: Fault diagnostics;    Voltage source inverter;    Fuzzy logic;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jesit.2016.10.005
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This paper presents a fault diagnostics system for a three-phase voltage source inverter. The system is developed as a rule-based fuzzy logic system for fault cases of the inverter power semiconductor switches. Based on a time domain simulation model, the inverter different fault conditions are simulated with the resulting voltage spectrum providing the database for the fuzzy logic system. The developed fault diagnostics system is capable of identifying the type and location of the inverter fault.

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