Applied Sciences
A Novel Method for Constructing the S-Box Based on Spatiotemporal Chaotic Dynamics
Xingyuan Wang1  Liyan Liu2  Yingqian Zhang3 
[1] Technology, Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College, Xiamen University Zhangzhou Campus, Zhangzhou 363105, China;City Institute, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116600, China;;School of Information Science &
关键词: chaos;    S-box;    coupled map lattices;    non-adjacent coupled map lattices;   
DOI  :  10.3390/app8122650
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

A novel construction method for a random S-box by using the spatiotemporal nonlinear chaotic system is proposed. The chaotic sequences of the spatiotemporal chaotic system are applied to construct an initial S-box. Then, the permutation operation between independent chaotic sequences is performed to shuffle the elements of the S-box randomly. In comparisons with the former schemes, the results of the performance analysis indicate that the obtained S-box has a better output bit independence criterion and a stronger ability to resist linear password attacks. It also has a high dimensional feature due to the spatiotemporal chaotic dynamical behaviors. The proposed scheme holds superior cryptographic features.

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