Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais
Questionando a comensuração do carbono: Algumas emissões são mais iguais que outras
关键词: carbon market;    cost‑effectiveness analysis;    emissions commensurability;    emissions trading;    environmental policy;   
DOI  :  10.4000/rccs.4385
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
Emissions trading is usually presented in economics literature as a regulatory instrument that enables an environmental objective to be achieved in a cost‑effective manner. By opening up the “black box” of the construction of an emissions market, however, it is possible to see how this presupposes the existence of a set of social processes that will influence its performance in ways not envisaged by its supporters.Drawing on critical literature on the carbon markets, this article presents a review of the criticisms of emissions commensuration, categorising them in terms of arguments based on notions of scientific rigor, justice, sustainability and democracy. These arguments show how the commensuration processes inherent to the carbon markets exclude important information from the decision‑making process and make the actors and institutions concerned invisible. The potential for reforming these markets is discussed in the conclusion.
【 授权许可】


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