Annals of the University of Oradea: Economic Science
关键词: report on public debt, public debt dynamics, computer applications, professional-looking diagrams, sparkline charts;   
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来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Total public debt represents all monetary obligations of the state (government, public institutions, financial, administrative-territorial units) at a time, resulting from internal and external loans (in lei and foreign currencies) contracted on short, medium and long term, and the state treasury and its own obligations for the amounts advanced temporarily to cover the budget deficit. Loans may be contracted by the state through the Ministry of Finance, in his own name or guaranteed by it. Public debt is expressed in local currency or foreign currency, depending on where the contracts and loan conditions. In order to evaluate Romania's public debt, obligations denominated in another currency than the national currency is calculated using the exchange rate of National Bank of Romania. Also, total public debt of a country can be expressed in absolute values (to know the load on that country's economy which is subject to its creditors), the relative values as a percentage of GDP (to allow comparison over time and between countries) and the average size per capita (to allow comparisons and analysis in time and space). Total public debt is calculated and separately manages its two forms, namely domestic public debt and external public debt. Ministry of Finance shall prepare and submit annually to the Government for approval and to Parliament for information, report on public debt, which contains information on government debt portfolio, debt service, public indebtedness indicators and information about primary and secondary market securities state and how to implement the medium-term strategy in managing government debt for the previous year. In order to make comparisons quick and effective on public debt dynamics in Romania, Excel 2010 has new features such as charts and sparkline slicers features which can help discover trends and statistics in accordance with existing data. The aim of this article is accurate assessment of Romania's public debt and its evolution in the economic crisis in recent years, using computer applications. As a novelty, it is proposed to use charts sparkline (Small diagrams that fit in a cell) to visually summarize data trends in a small space, but in a visual form meaningful and understandable.

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