Annals of Geophysics
New constraints for site-effect characterization from seismic noise analysis in southern Italy. San Fele case study
关键词: Ambient noise, Shear wave velocity profile, Array measurements, Seimic hazard;   
DOI  :  10.4401/ag-4667
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

In the framework of ground-motion amplification analysis for southern Italy, the main target of this study is to provide new constraints on one-dimensional, shallow-velocity profiles for a site in the San Fele area near the city of Potenza (southern Italy) where a permanent Irpinia Seismic Network (ISNet) seismic station is installed. Ambient noise vibrations were recorded during a seismic survey in San Fele, and the data acquired were used to define the shallow shear-wave velocity profiles and thicknesses of the shallow soil layers, through analysis of the dispersion characteristics of the surface waves. Single station and array techniques were used to obtain robust results, which show relatively flat curves of the H/V spectral ratios and variations in shear-wave velocities confined to the first 50 m in depth. On the basis of these results for the San Fele site, the present study aims to delineate a standard procedure that can be systematically applied to all of the other ISNet stations to improve site characterization. This will allow more accurate evaluation of peak ground-motion quantities (e.g. peak ground acceleration, peak ground velocity) at rock sites for use in shake-map analysis.

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