Journal of King Saud University: Computer and Information Sciences
Executed-time Round Robin: EtRR an online non-clairvoyant scheduling on speed bounded processor with energy management
关键词: Weighted flow time;    Power Management;    Non-clairvoyant scheduling;    Online scheduling;    Potential analysis;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.jksuci.2016.03.002
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Energy conservation has become a prime objective due to excess use and huge demand of energy in data centers. One solution is to use efficient job scheduling algorithms. The scheduler has to maintain the machine’s state balance to obtain efficient job schedule and avoid unnecessary energy consumption. Although the practical importance of non-clairvoyant scheduling problem is higher than clairvoyant scheduling, in the past few years the non-clairvoyant scheduling problem has been studied lesser than clairvoyant scheduling. In this paper, an online non-clairvoyant scheduling problem is studied to minimize total weighted flow time plus energy and a scheduling algorithm Executed-time Round Robin (EtRR) is proposed. Generally, weights of jobs are system generated and they are assigned to jobs at release/arrival time. In EtRR, the weights are not generated by the system, rather by the scheduler using the executed time of jobs. EtRR is a coupling of weighted generalization of Power Management and Weighted Round Robin (WRR). We adopt the conventional power function P = sα, where s and α > 1 are speed of a processor and a constant, respectively. EtRR is O(1)-competitive, it is using a processor with the maximum speed (1 + τ/3)T, where the maximum speed of optimal offline adversary is T and 0<τ⩽(3α)-1.

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