A recurrent hydatid cyst of the thigh diagnosed 13 years after initial presentation
Oluyomi Kabiawu Ajise1  Cédric P. Yansouni2  Michael Libman2  Sapha Barkati2  Momar Ndao2  Guillaume Butler-Laporte2  Makeda Semret2 
[1]Department of Pathology, McGill University Health Centre (MUHC), Montreal, Canada
[2]J.D. MacLean Centre for Tropical Diseases, McGill University, Montreal, Canada
关键词: Echinococcus granulosus;    Hydatid cyst;    Musculoskeletal hydatidosis;    Surgical resection;    Albendazole;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.idcr.2017.11.008
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
This case presents a hydatid cyst of the thigh in a 57-year-old patient born and raised in rural Montenegro. He presented with a painful erythematous mass on the lateral aspect of the right thigh at the site of a previous cystic mass resection 13 years earlier. Complete surgical resection was conducted, histopathology revealed laminated membranes and polymerase chain reaction was positive for Echinococcus granulosus. Primary musculoskeletal hydatidosis is a rare entity and diagnosis is challenging. Any cystic lesion in a patient from an endemic area should raise the possibility of echinococcosis, regardless of anatomic location. The key aspects of diagnosis, albendazole treatment and surgical management are discussed.
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