AtomPy: An Open Atomic Data Curation Environment for Astrophysical Applications
Josiah S. Boswell1  David C. Ajoku2  Claudio Mendoza3  Manuel A. Bautista3 
[1] Department of Computer Science, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA;Department of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo,MI 49008, USA;Department of Physics, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI 49008, USA;
关键词: atomic data;    astrophysical applications;    data curation;    accuracy assessment;   
DOI  :  10.3390/atoms2020123
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

We present a cloud-computing environment, referred to as AtomPy,based on Google-Drive Sheets and Pandas (Python Data Analysis Library)DataFrames to promote community-driven curation of atomic data forastrophysical applications, a stage beyond database development. Theatomic model for each ionic species is contained in a multi-sheetworkbook, tabulating representative sets of energy levels, A-values andelectron impact effective collision strengths from different sources.The relevant issues that AtomPy intends to address are: (i) data qualityby allowing open access to both data producers and users; (ii)comparisons of different datasets to facilitate accuracy assessments;(iii) downloading to local data structures (i.e., Pandas DataFrames) forfurther manipulation and analysis by prospective users; and (iv) datapreservation by avoiding the discard of outdated sets. Data processingworkflows are implemented by means of IPython Notebooks, andcollaborative software developments are encouraged and managed withinthe GitHub social network. The facilities of AtomPy are illustrated withthe critical assessment of the transition probabilities for ions in thehydrogen and helium isoelectronic sequences with atomic number Z ≤ 10.

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