Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA
Juhji Juhji1 
[1] Jurusan Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah FTK IAIN Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin;
关键词: science process skill;    guided inquiry;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The purpose of this research is to investigate the improvement of students’ science process after implementing guided inquiry approach. This research was conducted at the sixth grade of elementary school of SD Islam Al Ikhlas Cipete in 2008/2009 academic year. This research used classroom action research. Moreover, the research instruments consist of lesson planning, students’ sheet, and observation sheet. This research measures some skills such as observing, predicting, measuring, using devices, doing exercises, interpreting data, communicating, and summarizing. Meanwhile, data were obtained through test and observation sheet. Furthermore, from this research, there was only one aspect skill which has achieved the indicator of success. Three skills such as observing, measuring and doing exercises had achieved > 70% since the first cycle. Meanwhile, four skills such as predicting, interpreting data, communicating, and summarizing did not improve significantly. It caused by those skills were hard to be mastered by the sixth grade students due to those skills demand students’ high level thinking. Therefore, to improve those skill aspects, the teacher should be more intensive in guiding students in order to students be able to learn general concepts, scientific principles, and developing creativity in solving science problems individually. The average percentage for process skills improve 10.55% from 62.89% to 73.44% with category was good. Thus, students’ science process skills of the sixth grade of SD Islam Al Ikhlas Cipete could be improved by using guided inquiry approach.

【 授权许可】


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