Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering
CHEERUP: A General Software-Environment for Building, Using and Administering Predictive Monitoring Portals
关键词: computer applications;    predictive models;    learning systems;    data processing;   
DOI  :  10.4316/AECE.2011.04010
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The intended meaning of the term predictive monitoring used in the paper is the following. A populationof subjects (living beings, machines, works of art, etc.) is monitored by a domain expert with regard tothe possible occurrence of an undesired/desired event E. More precisely, an expert periodically (e.g. everytwo years, every week, etc. depending on the specific application) examines the single subjects and, for eachof them, enters examination outcomes in a database where statistical data are automatically processed in orderto produce probabilistic inferences about the occurrence in the future of E for the subject under examination(individualized prediction). This allows the expert to take suitable measures in advance in order to prevent/favourthe occurrence of E for the subject. Such an approach to predictive monitoring requires that the expert who monitorssubjects has at his/her disposal a suitable software system provided with database and algorithms for both properlymanaging monitoring-processes and producing probabilistic predictions. The paper presents CHEERUP : a prototype product,usable via Internet, that consists in a general software-environment for building, using and administering specificpredictive monitoring software-systems (in the paper called portals).

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