HBRC Journal
Stabilization of an expansive overconsolidated clay using hydraulic binders
关键词: Expansive clay;    Stabilization with hydraulic binders;    Consistency limits;    Methylene blue value;    California bearing ratio;    Bearing capacity;   
DOI  :  10.1016/j.hbrcj.2014.03.001
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Urban areas of the wilaya of M’sila in Algeria nowadays experience a considerable development because of an unceasingly increasing demography, from where its extension toward virgin zones is often less favorable than those already urbanized. This wilaya is located in a zone classified as semi-arid, whose geology comprises clayey formations characterized by a high variation of volume when the conditions of their equilibrium are modified (natural climatic phenomena due to a prolonged dryness, human activity by modification of the ground water level because of excessive pumping, configuration of constructions in their environment). This paper presents and analyzes the results of a series of laboratory tests (identification, compaction, penetration and direct shear tests) performed on an expansive overconsolidated clay obtained from an urban site situated in Sidi-Hadjrès city (wilaya of M’sila, Algeria), where significant damages frequently appear in the road infrastructures and in the light structures. Test results obtained show that the geotechnical parameteric values deduced from these tests are concordant and confirm the bearing capacity improvement of this natural clay treated with hydraulic binders (composed Portland cement and extinct lime) and compacted under the optimum Proctor conditions, which is translated by a significant increase in soil strength and its durability.

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