Experimental Evaluation of the Availability of LoRaWAN Frequency Channels in the Czech Republic
Eva Kánská1  Jan Jarolímek1  Vojtěch Novák1  Tereza Čížková1  Michal Stočes1 
[1]Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamycka 129, 165 00 Praha, Czech Republic
关键词: LoRaWAN;    LPWAN;    IoT;    signal;    ESRI;    GIS;   
DOI  :  10.3390/s21030940
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】
LoRaWAN communication allows you to create IoT (Internet of Things) solutions across many disciplines. A specific field of application is precision agriculture, which demands this technology mainly due to the fact that it is possible to create low power sensor devices with it. However, in densely populated areas, a lower success rate of message delivery can be observed on some communication channels. For example, this can have an impact on urban agriculture projects. After performing an experiment and analytical–statistical data processing using the Geographic Information System (GIS) tool ArcGIS Insights, it was shown that the success of message delivery on the basic LoRaWAN channel (868.3 MHz) is lower than for the others. Therefore, to ensure higher reliability and thus energy savings, it is appropriate to optimize the use of frequency channels.
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