Научный диалог
Non-Calendar Personal Names in the Aspect of Axiology
I. A. Kurshunova1 
[1] Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Petrozavodsk State University”;
关键词: axiology;    historical anthroponymy;    non-calendar personal name;    literary texts;    karelia;    pomerania;   
DOI  :  10.24224/2227-1295-2019-10-186-203
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article is devoted to the axiological direction, which is practically not in demand in onomasiological studies, despite the attention to it of various humanities. Non-calendar personal names recorded in written sources relating to Karelian Pomerania and adjacent territories, which occasionally became the object of study, are involved in the analysis. Particular attention is paid to the structural and semantic features of non-calendar personal names. It is proved that the modified forms and motivational base of the studied anthroponymic units represented family values, among which the main place belongs to the child (especially the newborn, infant), his appearance and character traits. In addition to the transparent motive of individual nomination, there were hidden ones, called upon, same as nicknames, to promote successful family labor relations, as well as specific, different from secondary, nickname nominations, and designed to protect the child from unhappiness, illness, evil eye, thereby transforming a non-calendar personal name (mainly with an ethnocultural base) into a deceitful sign, again proving that the emergence and preservation of a new member of family society is extremely important for ancient Russian society.

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