Cahiers Balkaniques
Du Journal de Mihail Sebastian au Retour du hooligan : une vie de Norman Manea
关键词: Sebastian Mihail (1907-1945);    Manea Norman (1936-);    Jews;    Deportation;    Rumania;    Second World War;   
DOI  :  10.4000/ceb.8068
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

I’ll analyse in this article the representation of the Second World War in Romania as seen in the inter-text generated by Norman Manea’s autofiction The Hooligan’s Return: A Memoir and from Mihail Sebastian’s Journal 1935-1944: The Fascist Years. In The Hooligan’s Return, Manea describes scenes from the Second World War in Romania, even if the main action takes place in New York and Bucharest in 1998. The traumatic experience Mihail Sebastian suffered during the war is revisited and interpreted by Norman Manea in an autofictional mirror game; I’ll analyse the way in which autobiographical writing becomes the witness of history.

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