Effects of overliming on the nutritional status of grapevines with special reference to micronutrient content
JorgeCara-Jiménez1  José EnriqueGarzón-Jimeno2  Miguel JavierQuiroga2  Mateo Cuesta2  Miguel A. Olego2  Mario Sánchez-García3 
[1] Chemical and Environmental Bioprocess Engineering Group, Natural Resources Institute (IRENA), Universidad de León, Avenida de Portugal, 41, CP 24071, León;Instituto de Investigación de la Viña y el Vino (IIVV), Universidad de León, Avenida de Portugal, 41, CP 24071, León;RGA Bioinvestigación S.L., Avenida de Portugal, 41, CP 24071, León,;
关键词: Aluminum;    Bioavailability;    Interaction;    Manganese;    Grape;   
DOI  :  10.20870/oeno-one.2021.55.2.4081
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

Aluminium plays a central role in soil acidity, which is one of the main constraints on grape production in humid, northern temperate viticultural regions. To decrease the acidity of vineyard soil, it is usually amended with alkaline materials that provide conjugate bases to weak acids (liming). However, one practical consideration is the danger of overliming, which has potential implications in terms of yield reduction and decreased bioavailability of several mineral nutrients. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of overliming using dolomitic lime on grapevines growing on acid soil. The effects on the topsoil fertility parameters (0–30 cm), petiole and berry nutrient levels, berry weight and must quality properties were studied in a vineyard planted with Vitis vinifera L. cv. Mencía for three years (2014–2016). Data analysis performed using a mixed model that took into account both random effects (year of sampling) and fixed effects (liming treatments) showed that overliming decreased the manganese content in both leaf and berry tissues. Until now, nothing was known about the effects of overliming on both vine nutritional status and harvest quality properties, thus this study fills an important knowledge gap.

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