Poetry and death: Humberto Díaz-Casanueva’s orphism
Diego Sanhueza Jerez1 
[1] Universidad Andrés Bello;
关键词: Muerte;    Poesía;    Orfismo;    Sentido;    Tartamudeo.;   
DOI  :  10.18566/escr.v25n54.a03
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

The article presents a philosophical analysis of the poetry of Humberto Díaz- Casanueva. Thus, the purpose is to reveal his main motivations, those that made of his poetry unique within Chilean Literature. Following a hint of the poet himself, it is argued that his poetry might be considered as “Orphic”, which entails a direct link with death. It is also proposed that two moments might be distinguished in such an Orphism: dancing and stuttering, and that such a poetry reaches its final form with the latter.

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