International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education
Teaching primary grade students perfectionism through cartoons compared to bibliotherapy
Miranda L. Zousel1  Audrey C Rule2  Stephanie R. Logan2 
[1] Marion Independent School District;University of Northern Iowa;
关键词: Perfectionism;    Cartoons;    Bibliotherapy;    Elementary students;   
DOI  :  
来源: DOAJ
【 摘 要 】

This experimental study compared concept acquisition and enjoyment of learning about perfectionism under two conditions: bibliotherapy (control) and analysis and construction of cartoons (experimental) in first, second and third grade students (N=46). Posttest results showed students learned significantly more content in the experimental condition with a medium effect size. Students were more engaged in the cartoon condition, appreciating the humor and opportunity to be creative. Most students reported liking the bibliotherapy but some complained of boredom. The authors recommend that both bibliotherapy and cartoon analysis be used in lessons about perfectionism to maintain student interest and comprehension of concepts.

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